Wednesday, March 3, 2010


What an amazing afternoon! The weather finally cooperated enough for it not to be windy or snowing for a couple hours today. I took the opportunity to take the plunge and ride Delilah fully tacked for the first time in many months. I played around with the shims and got it right on. As soon as i saddled her and moved her around, she was stretching and blowing, YES! From the moment I sat down in the saddle until my feet touched ground again I dont think I stopped smiling. She was so intune with me, i thought it, she did it. Stretching and nice swinging walk on loose reins to soft yields with the lightest suggestion. Wow! We even managed to go from loose reins to contact without changing the rhythm of her walk. (Almost all the time she will break into a few jog steps when i go to pick up contact and then back to the walk). I really concentrated on the first two ingredients of Collection, Rhythm and Relaxation with some Contact although today is was more mental than physical
I have been reading Walter Zettl's book "Dressage in Harmony" the past couple days. and as I was riding I could almost hear him and Pat.
The best part of the entire ride, was after I dismounted, the expression on Delilah's face was more alert and expressive than it has been since I got her here. Sometimes we forget that the horse NEEDS and WANTs to grow in ALL FOUR savvies, not just one or two.

Savvy on

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Back Online

Hey Everyone,

I just got my blog back up and going.
I hope to share little tidbits and insights that I discover along the road to becoming a horseman. Maybe my BFOs (Blinding Flashes of the Obvious) and rare moments of clarity will help shed light on your trouble spots whether in your relationship with your horses, friends, co-workers or family.
Sometimes you just need a little inspiration.
